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Main ASMS building Exterior


If the data from health officials on risk level is used to help determine if the school should reopen, is there a date in mind to use for looking at the data?

  • The school is looking at the data on a daily basis in order to make decisions. We are pulling from national, state, and local sources and consulting with experts as appropriate. Our Leadership Team has been meeting once a day and sometimes even twice a day. As of now the school is moving forward with our reopening plan, but we recognize this could change because conditions are not improving. If we do implement any changes to the start of school, we will aim to give our community members as much advance notice as possible.


If I have a question about a school-related matter, what’s the best way to contact an ASMS employee?

  • The BEST way for parents to communicate with ASMS employees is through email or by phone. All ASMS employees have Microsoft 365 email accounts, which can be found on the school’s website. Employee email accounts are usually the first letter of the employee’s first name, combined with the employee’s last name, followed by, e.g., Joyce Boatman’s email address is

How do I know who to contact at the school?

Can I instant message an ASMS employee via Facebook to ask a question?

  • No. ASMS employee handbook policies do not allow them to communicate with students or parents through social media platforms.

Why has ASMS’s policy changed regarding communication through social media?

  • ASMS staff members and students should be utilizing school approved platforms given that ASMS students are minors. When a student or a parent sends an email directly to an employee, the employee is sure to receive it and can offer a timely and thoughtful response.


Remote Instruction Option

If I choose the remote instruction option…

How can I be successful in my classes?

  • The Department of Academic Affairs will be sending out a guide and information on how to manage remote instruction as well as information on how to utilize the Microsoft 365 and Blackbaud platforms for your coursework.

Can I still participate in ACT, SAT, and/or PSAT test prep?

  • ASMS will make every effort for ACT, SAT, and PSAT prep to be offered both in person or broadcast virtually.

Will I still be permitted to take the ACT, SAT, and/or PSAT on campus with my school year?

  • ASMS will make every effort for testing to still occur on campus via a safe, socially distanced plan. More information will be sent as plans are finalized.

Will I still be able to receive academic and college counseling?

  • Our counselors will make every effort to offer appointments both in person and virtually.

Can I still participate in Student Life?

  • Many of our student life components (clubs, student leadership, student activities, etc.) will be held virtually, so remote learning students will be able to log on for those.

Can I still participate in Student Life events (Prom, Winter Formal, Goofy Olympics, Geekfest, etc.)

  • Many of these events will occur virtually, and if that is the case, you will be able to log in and join.

Work Service

Will work service still occur in person for on campus students?

  • Each work service student will need to work with their assigned work service supervisor to determine the best and safest option for accomplishing their work. It is up to each individual supervisor whether students will be asked to be in person or virtual depending on the responsibilities.

Do remote students have to complete work service?

  • For remote students, they will be asked to contribute to work service virtually and should discuss with their assigned supervisor what this will look like.

Closing Campus

If ASMS has to transition to remote instruction during the 2020-2021 school year, what electronic platforms will the school use to deliver instruction to students.

  • Please refer to the Remote Learning section of the ASMS COVID-19 plan where platforms are outlined. The two main platforms ASMS uses are Microsoft 365 and Blackbaud.



Are Geekfest, Homecoming, Winter Formal, Prom, Goofy Olympics, Family Day, hall competitions, senior events, and club activities going to happen?

  • As of now, ASMS intends for all of these programs and events to still occur, but ASMS reserves the right to change this plan at any time. It is likely that many of these will look very different if they occur in person with strict social distancing and protective guidelines in place. There is also always a chance that any of these programs will be changed to occur virtually or may not be able to occur at all due to safety concerns. Students and parents should mentally and emotionally prepare themselves for all these scenarios in advance.

Will weekly assemblies occur?

  • Yes, but they will occur virtually. Please refer to Plans for Residential Life and Instruction section of the ASMS COVID-19 plan.

Student Leadership

Will students still be interviewed for Ambassadors and Peer Advisors?

Will SGA elections still happen and students be able to serve?

Can students serve as club presidents?

Can students still serve as organization heads (e.g. a Deacon for Geekfest)?

  • As of now, ASMS intends to move forward with the selection processes for all student leadership opportunities. ASMS reserves the right to change this plan at any time. It is likely that serving in many of these roles will look very different if they occur in person with strict social distancing and protective guidelines in place. It is also likely that many of these student leadership opportunities will involve leading partially or entirely virtually. Students should mentally and emotionally prepare themselves for all these scenarios in advance. ASMS will ask that when all student leaders are planning for their positions and organizations, they have a virtual option ready to launch in case the school goes remote.

Residence Life

Will hall meetings occur in person or virtually?

  • It will depend on current conditions. If hall meetings occur in person, they will occur with strict social distancing and protective guidelines in place. If they occur virtually, students will join via Microsoft Teams. Student Affairs will make this decision on a hall by hall basis.

Will students still be required to complete bathroom duty?

  • Yes, but they will be provided PPE in order to do so more safely.

Are ASMS students going to be allowed to walk or drive off next year?

  • Yes, but with limitations in place due to safety. Please refer to Plans for Residential Life and Instruction section of the ASMS COVID-19 plan.
  • Jul 22, 2020