Admissions FAQ's

Several current ASMS students created a printable FAQ sheet where they answer questions for incoming students. View it here: Students FAQ Sheet

Spanish Version-Students FAQ Sheet

Additional FAQs

  • Q: Do I have to be a “genius” to be accepted to ASMS?

    No! The ASMS community consists of students who are intelligent and work hard for academic success.

  • Q: Is the campus secure?

    Yes, a professionally trained security staff is on duty 24/7. We also employ a camera system to monitor the campus. At night, there are security guards stationed in both residence halls.

  • Q: Is there computer / internet access?

    We offer computer labs and free Wi-Fi access throughout the campus.

  • Q: Do I need to bring a computer?

    You are welcome to bring a computer, but it is not necessary. Students have access to several computer labs and printers.

  • Q: What are residence halls rooms like?

    Each room houses two students. Rooms are furnished with an extra-long twin bed, nightstand, dresser, chair, and desk for each student. Residence halls have newly renovated community bathrooms on each floor and lounge areas.

  • Q: What are the curfews?

    During school nights, residents must be in their dorm by 9:00 PM and in bed by midnight. On weekends, students must be in their dorm room by midnight and in bed by 1:00 AM.

  • Q: Is there transportation?

    Yes, the ASMS staff will transport students to important appointments and social activities, including van runs to shopping centers. Students can also pay to ride a charter bus that drops them off and picks them up at specific points on I-65 during breaks.

  • Q: Is there a dress code?

    Although students do not wear uniforms, offensive or revealing outfits are prohibited.

  • Q: Are there local churches students can attend?

    Yes, there are roughly 20 within walking distance, while others provide rides.

  • Q: Can students go home?

    Students have only one or two required weekends on campus. They may check out during all other weekends.

  • Q: What about food?

    Three well-balanced meals are provided in the cafeteria each day. Vegetarian and vegan options are available. Students can use a full-sized kitchen in the Student Center to cook meals. Snack machines are on campus. Mini-refrigerators are allowed in dorm rooms. Microwaves are available in the dorms. Restaurants in walking distance.

  • Q: Do students have access to fitness facilities?

    Yes, students have access to a full basketball/volleyball gym, indoor running track, weight room, newly renovated fitness room, outdoor pool (when lifeguard is present), and two outdoor soccer/ultimate frisbee fields.

  • Q: Are all students nerds?

    The term “nerd” is not an insult at ASMS! Students have varying interests and different personalities, but they come together because they place academics first. Check out our Nerds of ASMS Graphic!

  • Q: Can you play sports at ASMS?


    For Boys: Basketball, Cross Country, Archery, Tennis, E-Sports

    For girls: Basketball, Cross Country, Archery, Tennis, Volleyball, Cheerleading and E-Sports

    There are also intramural teams such as ultimate frisbee, soccer, and volleyball.

  • Q: Is there a nurse on campus?

    We do have a nurse who is here five days a week to handle illness-related absences for school and any prescription medications. We also have a relationship with area hospitals and urgent cares in case of a medical emergency.

  • Q: Can I leave campus whenever I want?

    No. Students have specific times they are allowed to check out. They must check out through the Residential Life office.

  • Q: How does ASMS compare to a traditional high school honors programs?

    ASMS outstanding faculty allow for a curriculum that far exceeds most high schools. ASMS has 10 academic departments whose course offerings rival that of a small college and not a high school. All electives are modeled off of university level equivalents and courses use college level textbooks. All faculty are college-credentialed.

  • Q: How are roommates assigned?

    Students may choose roommates or students can choose to be placed with a match based on surveys they fill out.

  • Q: Is the homework load manageable?

    The homework load is manageable if the student manages their time well.

  • Q: Do students have access to tutoring?

    Students have access to “labs” (math lab, writing lab, etc.) where students who excel in those subjects serve as tutors. Teachers are also always willing to give students one-on-one help during their daily office hours.

  • Q: Why is ASMS on a trimester system?

    Each term is 11 weeks, including one for exams. A trimester system allows for students to take more classes than at a regular school. It also allows for consistent breaks so that students can spend valuable time with their families at home.

  • Q: Can students have cars?

    Incoming students are not allowed to have cars on campus. Returning juniors and seniors are allowed to, but they are only permitted to use them during special ride off times and to go home on the weekends.

  • Q: How much does it cost to attend ASMS?

    ASMS is a state-funded educational program, so there is no tuition, and room and board, as well as meals, are paid for by the state.

    The annual student activity fee is approximately $1,575 and can be paid in installments. Financial assistance is available for all who qualify to cover this. Personal items and travel are the family’s responsibility.

  • Q: Are students allowed to decorate their dorm rooms?

    Yes! Students are allowed to decorate their dorm rooms as long as their decor does not damage the walls, floor, ceiling, or windows.