Departments & Courses Taught


The ASMS Department of Academic Affairs oversees 10 academic departments including Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, English, Fine Arts, World Languages, History, Mathematics, Physical Education, and Physics.

Learn more about each department by clicking the title in our course catalog.


Courses Taught

Sample AP courses offered: American History, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science A, English Literature & Composition, English Language & Composition, Environmental Science, Physics B, Physics C (Electricity & Magnetism and Mechanics), and Studio Art (2-D Design, 3-D Design, and Drawing).

Sample Advanced courses offered: Molecular Biology, Organic Chemistry, Astronomy, Multivariable Calculus, The Dystopian Novel, Mechanical Engineering, Biological Change, Creative Writing, Advanced Prose Writing, American Pop Culture, Graphic Design, Print Making, Photography, Number Theory, Zoology, Comic Book Heroes and History, Ecology, American Jazz & Musical Theater, Inorganic Chemistry, Aerodynamics, Advanced German, Advanced Spanish, Advanced French, Java, C++, Biochemistry, World War II, and American Minority Relations.

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