Q. What is your dream car?

A. Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon.

Q. Have you heard of updog?

A. I'm a cat person.

Q. What are your hopes and dreams?

A. To rule the world, of course.

Q. Are you self content? Will you be?

A. Graduation is in 53 days. Please ask me this question in 53 days.

Q. What is (2+2)/0?

A. 42, the answer to life and everything in the universe.

Q. What is the best kind of cheese?

A. Personally, I love a sharp cheddar.

Q. Team wheels or doors?

A. I can't even begin to explain the internal disappointment that this is what our society has been reduced down to. Anyways, most definitely team doors. :)

Q. What is your favorite bird?

A. Either crows or peacocks, there is no in between.

Q. Who will win assassins?

A. Me😈